Videos of Crypto '98 Rump Session
Tuesday evening, August 25, 1998
Chair: Stuart Haber
Camera man: Takeshi Shimoyama
Video Editor: Kevin McCurley
Speakers are indicated with an * asterisk.
- 7:00 pm Introduction
- Stuart Haber
7:03 Attacks I
Cracking DES
(alternative link alternative link) (7 min)
- Paul Kocher, John Gilmore, Matt Blaze
- RSA award presentation (no video)
- by Ron Rivest
- Impossible differential attacks (7 min)
- Eli Biham, Alix Biryukov, * Adi Shamir
- Miss-in-the-middle attacks on IDEA (5 min)
- Eli Biham, * Alix Biryukov, Adi Shamir
- Impossible cryptanalysis of Skipjack (5 min)
- * Eli Biham, Alix Biryukov, Orr Duckelman, Eran Richardson, Adi Shamir
7:27 Number theory
- A couple of records in number theory (2 min)
- Antoine Joux, Reynald Lercier
- (p^2)q and pq are probably not as hard to factor (6 min)
- * Jean-Sebastien Coron, David Naccache
7:35 New schemes I
- Applied kid cryptography
or How to convince your children that you are not cheating (6 min)
- Moni Naor, Yael Naor, * Omer Reingold
- A new trapdoor permutation (5 min)
- Pascal Paillier
- Pirate card rejection (4 min)
- David Kravitz, * David Goldschlag
7:50 Attacks II
- Flaws in secure login protocols (3 min)
- Nate Lawson
- (Ab)using the Okamoto signature scheme for encryption (3 min)
- Moti Yung
- Covert broadcast coupling channels from governmental sources (2 min)
- Paul Syverson
7:58 till 8:15 BREAK
8:15 Attacks III
- Differential power analysis (6 min)
- * Paul Kocher, Josh Jaffe, Ben Jun
- A new physical attack and its security implications (2 min)
- Vincent Rijmen
- An attack on RSA given a small fraction of the private-key bits (2 min)
- Dan Boneh, Glenn Durfee
- Strength of two DES implementations under timing attacks (4 min)
- * Alejandro Hevia, Marcos Kiwi
8:29 Standards, etc.
- PKCS #1 v2.0: RSA cryptography standard (3 min)
- Jessica Staddon
- cAESar, mAES, phAEStos, AESop, etc. (4 min)
- F. Koeune, G. Piret, * J.-J. Quisquater
8:36 Zero knowledge, etc.
- A zero-knowledge proof of possession of a pre-image
of a SHA-1 hash (5 min)
- Hal Finney
- Zero-knowledge public-key validation (4 min)
- Moses Liskov
- Certification of secure RSA keys (6 min)
- Simon R. Blackburn, Steven D. Galbraith
8:51 Theory
Erdos number and cryptographers (4 min)
- Jean-Jacques Quisquater
A modular approach to authentication and key exchange (2 min)
- Mihir Bellare, Ran Canetti, Hugo Krawczyk
The random-oracle model, revisited (2 min)
- Ran Canetti, Oded Goldreich, Shai Halevi
Implementing oblivious transfer (5 min)
- * Yevgeniy Dodis, Silvio Micali
9:04 till 9:20 BREAK
9:20 Attacks IV
- Compatible weak keys (4 min)
- Ross Anderson
- How not to authenticate code (5 min)
- Nicko van Someron
- A common and serious error in many cryptography papers (3 min)
- Kathleen Ward, Phillip Rogaway
- Differential cryptanalysis of 16-round Skipjack
using 2^24 chosen plaintexts (5 min)
- Sung Mo Park, Sang Jin Lee, * Seongtaek Chee
- A massively parallel ASIC-based machine for time-memory
trade-off cryptanalyis (3 min)
- *Tsutomu Matsumoto, K. Takahashi, M. Iida, H. Miyata, K. Nakajima
9:40 New schemes II
- Unconditionally anonymous public-key certificates (4 min)
- Kazuomi Oishi
- RACCOON: Rapid Cryptographic Coprocessor of Organic Nature (4 min)
- Thomas Jakobsen
- A proposal for Internet *computational* commerce:
How to tap the power of the Web (3 min)
- Rafail Ostrovsky
- A role of anti-quantum bits for super-dense coding (4 min)
- Jaroslav Hruby
- Group signatures a la carte (4 min)
- Giuseppe Ateniese, * Gene Tsudik
- Efficient Rabin-type digital signature scheme (5 min)
- * Kaoru Kurosawa, Wakaha Ogata
10:04 till 10:15 BREAK
10:15 Block ciphers
- AES pick five competition (2 min)
- Yiannis Tsiounis
- Conservative improvement on DES key schedule to use 64 key bits (3 min)
- Jonathan Stiebel
- Visual analysis of AES -- theory and practice (3 min)
- Tsutomu Matsumoto, Kazuo Ohta
- The SteelTalon encryption algortihm (3 min)
- Frank Luyster
10:26 Many parties
- Efficient multi-party computation against dishonest minority
and general Q2-adversaries (4 min)
- * Ivan Damgard, Stefan Dziembovski, Ronald Cramer
- Self-adjusting multi-party computation (4 min)
- Juan Garay, Rosario Gennaro, Tal Rabin
- On the (in)security of composed VSS protocols (3 min)
- Rosario Gennaro, Stanislaw Jarecki, Hugo Krawczyk, Tal Rabin
10:37 The party's over